8 Critical Areas that Leverage Success

This webinar explores eight leverage points for leading government transformation that increase effectiveness and public trust in a VUCA world.


Even in the face of radical change, breakthroughs are possible for the thriving of the planet and all people. 

This free webinar is specifically designed for leaders in government: departments, bodies, institutions, agencies at federal, state / provincial, regional and municipal levels. Managers, Directors, Deputy Ministers/secretaries are invited to grasp the breadth and depth of transformational possibility.

  • Which key paradigms must government leaders shift to increase effectiveness and public trust in the midst of VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) circumstances?
  • How can public administrators break through constraints to transform themselves, government culture and structures?
  • How can you work across boundaries to co-creatively avoid being “in over your heads” with the vast complexity of topics you must wrestle with, whose dynamics are often volatile, inter-dependent, ambiguous and emergent?

If these questions intrigue you, join us in this webinar as Andrew Johnson discusses eight leverage points to unleash potential in public sectors.

Key Takeaways:


Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson

Andrew Johnson has been an Executive Coach, Facilitator and Consultant since 1991. He is an experienced and effective speaker, facilitator and workshop leader with an extensive background in human dynamics, economics and national politics. His effectiveness is fueled by his articulate insight and his passion for evolution and positive change.

Andrew Johnson is a Partner with Being First, Inc.

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Questions for the Biden Administration from a Conscious Change Leader

An inquiry into the paradigm shift required for President Biden’s new Cabinet to succeed, including eight critical areas of transformation to focus on.

Video On-Demand

How Leaders Solve Complex Challenges in a VUCA Environment

In this snippet, Dr. Dean Anderson and Andrew Johnson explore why leaders must transform mindset and behavior to expand their worldview and see the broader perspectives necessary to solve complex challenges in a VUCA environment.

Online Mini-Course

Transform and Achieve Breakthrough: An Intro to Conscious Change Leadership

This free mini-course introduces you to how to achieve breakthrough results in yourself, your organization and / or community through Conscious Change Leadership. It describes what breakthrough is, why transformation is required to achieve it, and how to develop the necessary transformational leadership skills.

Webinar On-Demand

How to Build Trust in Your Leadership Teams

Building trust in teams takes more than hanging a motivational poster on a wall and having a leader who says all the “right” things. This webinar explores how to embed trust into teams and organizational culture and identifies the critical skills a visionary leader uses to create trust and develop teams for high performance.

Developing Conscious Change Leaders who can transform themselves, their organizations, communities, and world.

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