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with Dr. Dean Anderson

As Conscious Change Leaders we bring to change a wider, deeper and more inclusive perspective than most senior leaders currently have. We see the need for broader and earlier stakeholder engagement, executive alignment across business lines, two-way communications, conscious process design, clear change governance and roles, and overt management of capacity for change.

This gap between what we know is needed and what executives can “tolerate” creates numerous challenges for us. How do we ensure successful adoption and sustainment of results if our leaders are not setting up the necessary conditions for successful change? What to do?

In this snippet from the annual ACMP Change Management Conference, Dr. Dean Anderson explores strategies for how to become a trusted strategic advisor to senior leaders.

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Dr. Dean Anderson

Dr. Dean Anderson

Dr. Dean Anderson is an international thought leader, speaker, bestselling author, and strategic advisor to the C-Suite. For 40 years, Dr. Anderson has been guiding transformational leaders of Fortune 1000 companies, government agencies and global non-profit organizations to integrate the inner work of personal transformation and mindfulness with advanced methodologies that guides leaders in HOW to design and implement transformational change successfully. Dean is passionate about co-creation — the high-performance way of Being, working and relating that brings people of diverse perspectives together to solve complex challenges and produce breakthrough results for all.

Dr. Dean Anderson is the Co-Founder and CEO of Being First, Inc.

Become a Master at Leading Transformational Change

Our advanced online program, Leading Transformational Change, distills four decades of experience into ten actionable strategies. 

Making these leaps in your understanding and capabilities will dramatically up-level your change leadership capabilities whether you’re a corporate, government, community or military leader, social or environmental activist, or a change consultant of any sort.



Ask Dr. Change Podcast

Ask Dr. Change is a thought-provoking and insightful podcast designed to provide you with proven invaluable guidance on transformational change within organizations, communities and large systems. Dr. Linda Ackerman Anderson tackles the tough questions and challenges faced by millions of leaders and consultants worldwide striving to make critical transformational changes.

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Free Courses

Transform and Achieve Breakthrough: An Intro to Conscious Change Leadership

This free mini-course introduces you to Being First’s Approach to transformation and how to achieve breakthrough results in yourself, your organization and / or community. It describes what breakthrough is, why transformation is required to achieve it, and how to develop the necessary transformational leadership skills. It introduces you to Conscious Change Leadership, a profound new way of thinking about, framing and addressing human performance and organization transformation.

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Online Instructor-Led

Leading Transformational Change: 10 Strategies for Breakthrough Results

This online instructor-led course will enable you to deliver desired results from the complex change initiatives you lead or consult to. It supports corporate leaders, community leaders, activists, and all varieties of change consultants. You’ll finish this course knowing the most important next steps to take for your transformational change effort to succeed.

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